The Spanish then murdered hundreds of high-ranking Mexica during a festival to celebrate Huitzilopochtli, the god of war. The Portuguese established a European trading post empire to capitalize on their superior navigation skills and tap into existing African trade routes. The main driving forces for these pressures include the growing population associated with rapid urbanization and human settlements along the coast, industrial growth, oil exploration, production and export and the associated tanker traffic, fishing, tourism, agriculture, aquaculture and sea water desalination. Missionaries such as Toribio Motolinia and Bartolome de Las Casas brought Catholicism and advocated for the natives, though they fought an uphill battle. Hoping to salvage Portugals Atlantic holdings, King Joo II began negotiations with Spain. Portuguese Exploration and Spanish Conquest | US History I (OS Collection) This 1502 map, known as the Cantino World Map, depicts the cartographers interpretation of the world in light of recent discoveries. Hoping to gain power over the city, Corts took Moctezuma, the Aztec ruler, hostage. Santngel had supported Columbuss voyage, helping him to obtain funding from Ferdinand and Isabella. I feel like its a lifeline. The Spaniards moved north, too. Riches poured in from the colonies, and new ideas poured in from other countries and new lands. Spains drive to enlarge its empire led other hopeful conquistadors to push further into the Americas, hoping to replicate the success of Corts and Pizarro. Spain and Portugal were considered to be the major exponents of 'The Age of Discovery', stretching from the early 15 th century to mid-17 th century. The Portuguese took the lead. This button displays the currently selected search type. Impact of the Age of Exploration - StudyMode THE SPANISH GOLDEN AGE The exploits of European explorers had a profound impact both in the Americas and back in Europe. Baker Hughes (NYSE: BKR) is a leading energy technology company that design, manufacture and service transformative technologies to help take energy forward. The Portuguese built an empire from 1420 onwards that was largely composed of trade centres dotted around the coasts of three continents. Even though the empires of Mexico and Peru had already had thriving trade routes, superior technology and biological factors of new diseases to which the Amerindians had no resistance gave Europeans the advantage. Beyond the splendor of the architecture of the missions, what we see today is the cumulative effect of a historic process Spain triggered with its efforts to govern and Christianize the New World, thereby culturally changing the land and people forever. The Spanish explorers hoped to find cities of gold, so they made their discoveries sound as wonderful as possible in these letters to convince the Spanish crown to fund more voyages. Although the Spanish had superior weapons, the strength of the Aztecs made the campaign long and grueling. As Spains empire expanded and riches flowed in from the Americas, the Spanish experienced a golden age of art and literature. Portuguese success in exploration depended on maritime technological advances, especially caravel ships with lateen sails that were triangular in shape and gave Europeans the advantage of finally sailing in both directions along the African coast. Exploration of North America - HISTORY The Spanish monarchs knew that Portuguese mariners had reached the southern tip of Africa and sailed the Indian Ocean. The confinement of my story to Spanish, rather than Iberian, America means the almost total exclusion of the Portuguese settlement of Brazil, except for glancing references to the sixty-year period, from 1580 to 1640, when it formed part of Spain's global monarchy. 1 What was the effect of Spanish and Portuguese exploration? In 1493, Columbus sent two copies of a probanza de mrito to the Spanish king and queen and their minister of finance, Luis de Santngel. 5 What was Portugals role in the age of discovery? explored isthmus of panama. Sugar fueled the Atlantic slave trade, and the Portuguese islands quickly became home to sugar plantations. Then, when they found Amerindians, they wanted to colonize and convert them, as well as have access to their gold. Bartolome de Las Casas speaks with the Amerindians, then with the Spanish leaders. What was Portugals role in the age of discovery? One of this periods most famous works is the novel The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, by Miguel de Cervantes. Portuguese Exploration and Spanish Conquest by OpenStaxCollege is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Why Did Europeans Want a New Route to Asia? - Another Italian, Amerigo Vespucci, sailing for the Portuguese crown, explored the South American coastline between 1499 and 1502. What was the effect of Spanish and Portuguese exploration? The Spanish came to the New World first to have a Far East trading link. In anticipation of winning his own honor and riches, Corts later explored the Yucatn Peninsula. This conflict provided the background for the heralded Age of Discovery, whereupon European nations began exploring new horizons to find means of expanding their influence and discovering new and hopefully shorter trade routes. How Portugal Kicked Off the Age of Exploration - HISTORY Inspired and backed financially by Prince Henry the Navigator, Portuguese explorers sailed south, down the coast of Africa, in hopes of finding a route to the Far East. Negative and Positive Impact of Portuguese Exploration by Seb. What was the effect of Spanish and Portuguese exploration? He and his followers explored what is now Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Texas. Alejandro Duran - Vice President - Reservoir and Consulting - LinkedIn The regions through which he traveled were not empty areas waiting to be discovered: rather, they were populated and controlled by the groups of native peoples indicated. Columbus held erroneous views that shaped his thinking about what he would encounter as he sailed west. 5 Pages. The travels of Portuguese traders to western Africa introduced them to the African slave trade, already brisk among African states. Portuguese Exploration and Spanish Conquest - U.S. History On October 12, 1492, however, he made landfall on an island in the Bahamas. Vespuccis widely published accounts of his voyages fueled speculation and intense interest in the New World among Europeans. The only arms they have are sticks of cane, cut when in seed, with a sharpened stick at the end, and they are afraid to use these. Ottoman Turks controlled much of the land routes to the East, and they initially charged exorbitant taxes for traders to get through. While disease killed populations. With his support, Portuguese mariners successfully navigated an eastward route to Africa, establishing a foothold there that became a foundation of their nations trade empire in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. This sixteenth-century map shows the island of Hispaniola (present-day Haiti and Dominican Republic). Portuguese mariners built an Atlantic empire by colonizing the Canary, Cape Verde, and Azores Islands, as well as the island of Madeira. Below are excerpts from Columbuss 1493 letter to Luis de Santngel, which illustrates how fantastic reports from European explorers gave rise to many myths surrounding the Spanish conquest and the New World. . Elmina Castle on the west coast of Ghana was used as a holding pen for slaves before they were brought across the Atlantic and sold. Spanish Exploration And Colonization - 1015 Words | Studymode Corts arrived on Hispaniola in 1504 and took part in the conquest of that island. The world was opening up, and people were realizing how big it really was. They are most beautiful, of a thousand varied forms, accessible, and full of trees of endless varieties, so high that they seem to touch the sky, and I have been told that they never lose their foliage. Spain and Portugal in the New World, 1492-1700 on JSTOR This was centre of the gold trade. It has many ports along the sea-coast excelling any in Christendomand many fine, large, flowing rivers. Columbus' discoveries also shifted the reasons behind Spanish exploration from trade to empire-building and exploration. Hogwarts Legacy is a third-person action-adventure game with some minor RPG and exploration folded into the mix. For more than a century, Baker Hughes . The money flowed freely, but they still hoped to find a way to the East. His patronage allowed some of the most important Portuguese expeditions to take place. In 1533, Pizarro founded Lima, Peru. Spain. what was the effect of spanish and portuguese exploration?san juan airport restaurants hours Credit Solution Experts Incorporated offers quality business credit building services, which includes an easy step-by-step system designed for helping clients build their business credit effortlessly. How to Market Your Business with Webinars. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Corts and his people fled for their lives, running down one of Tenochtitlns causeways to safety on the shore. Effects of Spanish Exploration - CAST As they died, new workers were needed. The bullwhip effect is a term used in supply chain management to describe how minor changes in consumer demand at the retail level can cause significant demand fluctuations upstream toward raw material suppliers. Technological Innovations of the Age of Exploration Along the way, the explorers were always on the lookout for gold and silver. The global flow of silver from the mid-sixteenth century to the early eighteenth century caused social and economic issues by creating social impact in China, changing the economic purpose for trading, and the overall exchange between the Chinese and European nations. What was the effect of Spanish and Portuguese exploration? Smarting from their defeat at the hands of the Aztec, Corts slowly created alliances with native peoples who resented Aztec rule. They understood that the Portuguese would soon reach Asia and, in this competitive race to reach the Far East, the Spanish rulers decided to act. Huguenots Overview, History & Beliefs | Who were the Huguenots? The Impact of Portuguese Exploration Portugals explorers changed Europeans understanding of the world in several ways. Bartholomew Dias found the Cape of Good Hope, while his successor Vasco de Gama made it to India, where he realized Portuguese dreams of having a direct spice trade link and allowed the Portuguese to dominate the trade. Portugal explored because they needed spices and jewels and they wanted to conquer lands. Causes and Effects of Spanish Exploration and Colonization Spain played a critical part in the exploration and colonization of the Americas. Inspired by tales of rivers of gold and timid, malleable natives, later Spanish explorers were relentless in their quest for land and gold. 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The 15th and 16th centuries have often been labeled the age of exploration, discovery, and expansion. The map shows areas of Portuguese and Spanish exploration, the two nations claims under the Treaty of Tordesillas, and a variety of flora, fauna, figures, and structures. Settlements sprang up at St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565, and in New Mexico in 1609. He also started a school The Spanish and Portuguese empires | South America | The Places They understood that the Portuguese would soon reach Asia and, in this competitive race to reach the Far East, the Spanish rulers decided to act. | 22 In short, the actions of the Portuguese and Spanish established a permanent European presence in the New World and set the stage for future conflict and historical movements. They explored the coasts of Africa and brought back gold and slaves. This involved an exchange of plants, goods, ideas, and diseases from Europe to the Americas. Spanish Exploration and Colonization | What was the effect of Spanish and Portuguese exploration? 2.1 Portuguese Exploration and Spanish Conquest - OpenStax The carrack first appeared, historians believe, in the late 13th and early 14th centuries. The magnetic compass was a compass that had a magnetized needle supporting a magnetic card. There was plenty of room to spread out, interesting cultures and landscapes to explore, natives to Christianize, and even better, economic opportunities galore, including new sources of gold and silver. Portuguese maritime exploration - Wikipedia In 1519, he entered Tenochtitln, the capital of the Aztec (Mexica) Empire. Starting in 1485, he approached Genoese, Venetian, Portuguese, English, and Spanish monarchs, asking for ships and funding to explore this westward route. At the heart of the Spanish exploration, was the desire to gain access to the spice and silk routes to increase their power and . Lutheranism History, Facts & Beliefs | What is Lutheranism? Such accounts kept the debate on the treatment of natives constantly at the forefront of political life during the age of exploration with the struggle always between greed and humanity. The Portuguese also traded these slaves, introducing much-needed human capital to other European nations. Assessing the Success of Portuguese and Spanish Exploration and The two went hand in hand and produced individuals who both exploited the natives and truly wanted to help them. Dutch Golden Age History & Timeline | What is the Dutch Golden Age? Felicity Moran received a Bachelors in history from Franciscan University of Steubenville, and a Master's in history from the University of Cincinnati, where she taught at the collegiate level for two years. He then sailed to an island he named Hispaniola (present-day Dominican Republic and Haiti) ([link]). Upon Columbuss return to Spain, the Spanish crown bestowed on him the title of Admiral of the Ocean Sea and named him governor and viceroy of the lands he had discovered. When these expeditions began, Europeans knew virtually nothing about the area past Cape Bojador on. Ecuador and Columbia fell to Spain later in the 1530s, and Chile succumbed in the 1540s. the fall of European national monarchies and the end of the power of the Catholic Church. The Portuguese destroyed the Arab trade routes in the Indian Ocean between Africa, Arabia and India. spices, of Asia. Henry the Navigator. extensive migration of people from the Western Hemisphere to Europe and Asia. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. Unlike Columbus, he realized that the Americas were not part of Asia but lands unknown to Europeans. This compass showed from four to eight directions. The motives for Spanish exploration was to find Northwest Passage, which they believed was a direct and efficient route to the Orient home of spices, silks and wealth. a long period of peace and prosperity for the nations of western Europe. Portuguese exploration along the African coast was marked by trading rather than colonization with the empire-building posts to protect their ships carrying spices and gold back to Portugal and allying with African kings when possible. Spain wanted to explore the New World first to find a trade route to India as the Portuguese had. Hernando de Soto had participated in Pizarros conquest of the Inca, and from 1539 to 1542 he led expeditions to what is today the southeastern United States, looking for gold. With the Reconquista complete and Spain a unified country, Ferdinand and Isabella could turn their attention to overseas exploration. At the height of the middle ages, the Mongol Empire had kept open borders throughout Asia and into Europe along the Silk Road, allowing spices and other luxury goods to flow freely from the Far East. The English Empire, 16601763, Imperial Reforms and Colonial Protests, 1763-1774, America's War for Independence, 1775-1783, Creating Republican Governments, 17761790, Growing Pains: The New Republic, 17901820, Industrial Transformation in the North, 18001850, A Nation on the Move: Westward Expansion, 18001860, Cotton is King: The Antebellum South, 18001860, Antebellum Idealism and Reform Impulses, 18201860, Go West Young Man! How Portugal became the first global sea power - CBS News The Spanish monarchs knew that Portuguese mariners had reached the southern tip of Africa and sailed the Indian Ocean. He spent most of his life in the Americas advocating for the natives. What is the effect of Spanish and Portuguese Exploration? In 1492, Granada, the last Muslim stronghold on the Iberian Peninsula, had fallen to the forces of the Spanish monarchs. When we read them now, we need to take the descriptions with a grain of salt. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. 247 lessons Her specialties include early modern European history, gender history, and music history. What were three outcomes of Spanish Exploration? No products in the cart. In the following years, as European exploration spread, slavery spread as well. She has taught college English and religious education classes and currently works as a freelance writer. 101 Independence Ave. Beginning in about 1418, Henry sent explorers to sea almost every year.
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