His primary invention was the Ochoaplane, created around 1908-1911, which underwent several designs over the years, starting with a simple version mounted on two bicycle frames, with a small motor in between, that weighed only about 250 pounds. Who invented the cell phone? | HowStuffWorks Victor Ochoa with his folding wing plane (wings folded), circa 1933. Famous Hispanic Inventors Who Changed The World. He continued to study and teach privately until his death in London in July of 1906 at the age of 101. More than 40 transdermal products with ingredients like nicotine, hormones, painkillers, and antidepressants have received FDA approval. He created the "Instrumental Seismic Intensity" or "Arias Intensity" (AI) method in 1970. The audio and video signals were sent in the 40-meter band at 115 MHz. America's white-male-centered imaginings of inventorship and patenting extend beyond the nation's borders, in . 17 Black inventors who changed the tech world | Digital Trends NASA has much to thank the Spanish inventor. 3 Latino Inventors Who Have Changed Our Lives - aarp.org The cyber-security technique was established in 2000 while Von Ahn was a Ph.D. student at Carnegie Mellon University. Ultimately, ALZA launched more than 20 prescription medications before being bought by Johnson & Johnson. Miramontes worked out the missing piece of the puzzle to create progestin, a progesterone-like hormone that could be taken orally to prevent ovulation. So, with that out of the way, in homage to this month of Hispanic heritage and pride, we have honored some of the many noteworthy Hispanic inventors and engineers. He is best known as the creator of an electrical glove called the "AcceleGlove," which converts American Sign Language hand gestures into spoken and written words. A prototype of her invention is exhibited at the National Museum of Science and Technology in A Corua, even though it was never produced. Paper-bag-making machine. The system's upgraded version, reCAPTCHA, is now used by almost all web servers. The first incubators were used in France in 1880, but Lvanos design, called the Incuven, regulates temperature and reduces risk of contamination to babies. Depending on where you reside, the leaves begin to turn to beautiful yellows, oranges, and reds. In 1936, Ochoa returned to Sinaloa, Mexico, where he reportedly died nine years later. Contrary to popular belief, the norethindrone version of the first birth control pill (Enovid-10) that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved in 1960 was created by a rival. At that point, the government approved the NTSC television color standard. These are the most ironic inventions ever. Hispanic Americans have not only contributed socially and economically to the well-being of the country. She was born Sarah Breedlove on 12/23/1867 in Delta Louisiana. (2021, July 31). Henry submitted her first patent, for a vacuum ice cream freezer, while still a college student in 1912, and moved to New York City in 1924 to found two companies to sell . Amazing Latino Inventions - UnidosUS His invention is still useful today in the study of phonics and the diagnosis of oral conditions like laryngitis. The following are some of the most notable and important Hispanic inventors. There she developed three optics-related patents, which help computers process information more quickly and efficiently. U.S. Hispanic Inventors - La Prensa Texas 15 African-American Inventors to Remember in Black History Month Hispanic-Americans, both immigrants and their descendants, have changed the world through their contributions to science, industry, the arts, sports, and politics on Earth, obviously, but even beyond. Well, Zaffaroni helped create multiple biotechnology companies that are responsible for many brilliant medical breakthroughs. Madam C.J Walker was an inventor, entrepreneur and first African American woman to become a millionaire. Mexican and Portuguese-American makeup artist Rea Ann Silva created one of the most iconic beauty tools used today. From 2013 until 2018, Dr. Ochoa served as the director of NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. You could hone your cooking skills by inviting family and friends over for aHispanic-inspired dinnerparty, host a Spanish movie night, or attend a local event put on by a Hispanic organization. The Spanish word for a pencil sharpener is el sacapuntas, and the first rendition of this invention was very unlike the one that we use today. Artificial Heart. The following year she was the Payload Commander on the Atlantis mission. Benjamin Valles of Chihuahua, Mexico, developed a system and a method for pre-forming cable for promoting adhesion to overmolding sensor body for Delphi Technologies Inc. Born in Mxico, Luis Miramontes was granted U.S. Patent 2,744,122 for progestin norethindrone for use in oral contraceptives. She also added co-inventor to her resume when she helped develop three patents in the field of optics. Peral was called to Madrid by Pezuela y Lobo for a one-on-one interview. She created the mechanical encyclopedia to reduce the weight of the books that her students had to carry, make studying more appealing, and customize the learning materials to meet the needs of each individual student. He also founded the Venezuelan Institute for Neurological and Brain Studies, the predecessor of the current Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (IVIC). He graduated from the University of Puebla with a BSc and an MSc and moved to the U.S. in 1998 after he was awarded a Fulbright scholarship to attend George Washington University in Washington, DC. 31, 2021, thoughtco.com/list-of-hispanic-inventors-1991700. Rea Ann Silva and her now famous invention. Zaffaroni patented these early transdermal drug devices in the 1970s. Nevertheless, the University of Knigsberg later awarded him an honorary M.D. Not only has she won numerous awards for her pioneering career and been inducted into boththe California Hall of Fame and the US Astronaut Hall of Fame, but also she has six schools named after her in four USstates. The first nuclear research reactor in Venezuela, the RV-1, one of the first in all of Latin America, was put into operation under the direction of Fernndez-Morn in 1957. Mexican inventor Victor Ochoa was also a Mexican revolutionary. Born in Maracaibo, Venezuela, on the 18th of February, 1924, Humberto Fernndez-Morn Villalobos was a Venezuelan research scientist who made numerous significant scientific contributions. President Lyndon Johnson established the celebration in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week. The son of a renowned singer and educator, Garca eventually took work as a baritone singer. Spanish singer and voice teacher Manuel Garca invented the laryngoscope in 1854. On September 20, 1884, after years in the Navy, Peral first had the idea for his "Proyecto de Torpedero Submarino" ("Project for a submarine torpedo-boat"), which he wrote about in a paper. Born in California, Ellen Ochoa was granted U.S. Patent 4,838,644 for "Position, Rotation, and Intensity Invariant Recognizing Method " and two other optical-related patents. It could travel at max speeds of nearly eight knots and hold a crew of 12. Born in Puerto Rico, Olga D. Gonzlez-Sanabria was granted U.S. Patent 4,505,998 for "Alkaline Battery Containing a Separator of a Cross-Linked Polymer of Vinyl Alcohol and Unsaturated Carboxylic Acid." Currently, he is the Dean of the School of Medicine at the University of Morn in Argentina. Born in Los Angeles, California in 1958, Ellen Ochoa is probably the best known example of a successful Hispanic inventor and innovator. The erectile dysfunction drug, Viagra, on the other hand, was an accidental discovery. Kayaks. Spaniard Isaac Peral designed the first electrically operated submarine. These inventions have changed the world in the last decade. Ruiz received a Spanish patent number of 190,698 in 1949 for devices with buttons that displayed the lesson materials when pressed and engaged. When his team developed the progestin norethisterone used in one of the first three oral contraceptives in 1951, Mexican chemist Luis Miramontes (1925-2004) was only 26 years old and a doctoral student working in the lab of Carl Djerassi and George Rosenkranzin's at Syntex SA in Mexico City. 7,077,022 on July 18, 2006. The list below is only a sampling of noted scientists through history and working in STEM fields today. National Hispanic Heritage Month, held each year from September 15 - October 15, celebrates Hispanic cultures and heritage and recognizes the many contributions Hispanic Americans have made to this nation. This version was a vast improvement on simply crushing the potatoes on your own as it produced a smoother and more buttery soft potato. A more recent Lemelson Center connection was made with Manuel Manny Villafaa, who is briefly highlighted in the Centers Places of Invention exhibition and whose papers are in the Archives Center along with his heart valve collection housed in the Museums Division of Medicine and Science. His life story would make a great Hollywood movie. from Santa Clara University, School of Law. Black Scientists and Inventors | Black History Month Year / period: 1871. Ms. Mar-Spinola is currently serving her second term as a PPAC member. This procedure helps clear blocked blood vessels and improves blood flow to the heart. These are some of their most notable names and contributions. The sweltering summer heat begins to fade. The Palmaz-Schatz Stent was given a patent, Johnson & Johnson, a healthcare provider, provided funding, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved it. Then it was up to Spanish-language media to get the word out. This mathematical formula analyzes earthquake tremors' magnitude by analyzing their seismic waves. 4. Top List of Mexican Inventors. 1938-2009. The Invention of Hispanics - Latino USA 10 Spanish Inventions You Can't Live Without - Medium Soon after, the first working prototype of an electrical submarine was created. This is a list of inventors and discoverers who are of Spanish origin or otherwise reside in continental Spain or one of the country's oversees territories. Dr. Baez led a long life of contribution to the sciences before passing away in 2007. The 15th of September is noteworthy because it marks the anniversaries of the independence of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Guatemala. Dr. Liotta graduated from the National University of Cordoba in Argentina where he received his doctorate in Medicine and Surgery. 10 famous engineers who made significant changes to the world Ten Black Scientists that Science Teachers Should Know About Other inventions he patented in the USincluded: a reversible motor (USPatent718,508), a pen for fountain pens (US Patent825,153), rail magnetic brakes (US Patents867,147 and 873,587), a windmill (US Patent1,319,174), and wrenches (US Patents1,417,196 and 1,454,333). So every time you turn on the TV and enjoy your favorite show or sport, remember the contributions of Gonzlez Camarena! Chewing Gum. His field is electrical engineering, and the sensor-studded glove was his doctoral engineering project. The first oral contraceptive, tradename Norinyl, was manufactured by Syntex Corp. Victor Celorio patented the "Instabook Maker" a technology supporting e-book distribution by quickly and elegantly printing an offline copy. Like all other human ethnicities, Hispanics have their fair share of great minds and inventors. Born in Spain, Jesus Maria Sanchez-Prez is a neurosurgeon that was granted U.S. Patent 2,617,944 for "Serial Roentgenography" circulatory system x-rays. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer), trailblazing Hispanic Americans who made history. Ellen Ochoa. As a successful medical salesman at Picker International, Villafaa was recruited by Medtronic co-founder Earl Bakken (also featured in Places of Invention) and relocated to Minneapolis, Minnesota. Additionally, the date of October 12 also known as Columbus Day or Da de la Raza falls inside this 30-day window. Ochoa also invented the Ochoaplane and the adjustable wrench. Returning to the topic of Nobel Prize winners, besides chemist Mario Molina mentioned above, there are several Hispanic Nobelists in the sciences who deserve recognition. Ms. Mar-Spinola received a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from San Jose State University and a J.D. "Hispanic or Latino refers to a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race. Brunel was a popular civil engineer from Britain, responsible for building bridges and also the first major British railway. NASA uses her innovations to process data gathered during missions to this very day. He was laid to rest on the grounds of the St. Edward's Catholic Church in Sutton Green, Surrey. 6. Garca retired from the Royal Academy of Music in 1895 at the age of 90. We may have questions about your feedback, please provide your email address. For now, I would like to share a few intriguing stories, primarily of people who have been documented at the Lemelson Centerso far. He was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2006. One such device came from the mind of Emilio Herrera Linares, from Spain. A laundry operation circa 1925 . In 1790, Jos Antonio de Alzate invented the automatic shutter, which avoids overflowing in water tanks, cisterns and toilets. According to the Smithsonian, Victor Ochoa had a reward of $50,000 offered for his delivery dead or alive to Porfirio Diaz, President of Mexico. Born in Puerto Rico, Guanglou Cheng, Carlos A. Ramirez, and Mara Aponte were granted U.S. Patent 7,427,654 for "Degradable Polymides" for use in medical applications. Holiday Inventions: Thanksgiving & Christmas - Inventionland In conjunction with Hispanic Heritage Month, the Department of Commerce's United States Patent and Trademark Office is recognizing some Hispanic Americans whose inventions contributed to the nation's social and economic well-being. By successfully isolating stem cells, Tsukamoto's team opened up a whole realm of possibilities for future medical advancements and cures. The Three-Light Traffic Signal, Invented by Garrett Morgan in 1923. It's essentially a 3.8cm-wide cube made from 3D-printed plastic . Their technological inventions have paved the way in the fields of physics, the medical sciences, and music, among others. That honor for the earliest incubator ever developed goes to a device created in 1800s France. Many Hispanic inventions have changed the world. To help prevent spam bots from accessing computer systems, CAPTCHA (standing for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart") is a randomly produced challenge-response test. Bellis, Mary. Victor Celorio was granted US patents 6012890 and 6213703 for his invention. Hispanic Scientists and Engineers - Hispanic Heritage Month | Science He was made Minister of Science in the final year of the Marcos Prez Jimnez dictatorship and was forced to flee Venezuela in 1958 when the regime was abolished. Victor L. Ochoa Papers, Archives Center, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution. Miramontes wrote a new procedure for the synthesis of the progestin norethindrone, the active ingredient for what would become the oral birth control pill. The following year he also published observations of his larynx and vocal cords made with a small dental mirror introduced into the throat and using sunlight reflected by another mirror, becoming the first person to study human vocal folds in action. Born in Mxico, Lydia Villa-Komaroff has been granted U.S. Patent 4,565,785 for "Recombinant DNA Molecule" and U.S. Patent 4,411,994 for "Protein Synthesis." October 29, 1991 - Bone Marrow Transplant. She first became interested in optics while a fellowship student at Stanford University. Other notable names include astrophysicist France A. Crdova, the first women to hold the position of NASA Chief Scientist and now Director of the National Science Foundation; Mexican engineer Guillermo Gonzlez Camarena, who invented an early color television transmission system; molecular biologist Lydia Villa-Komaroff, who conducted pioneering work in DNA technology and protein synthesis; and computer scientist Luis Von Ahn, a MacArthur Fellow who co-created CAPTCHA while a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University and then invented ReCAPTCHA and Duolingo. Born in Argentina, Julio C. Palmaz was granted over 40 patents, including his most recent - U.S. Patent 8,728,563 for "Endoluminal Implantable Surfaces, Stents, and Grafts and Method of Making Same." Sara Alvarez Kleinsmith is a writer and wellness professional whose work has appeared in The Huffington Post, Scary Mommy, and We Are Mitu.
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